Términos y Condiciones - Böden Hotel by AKEN Soul

Terms and Conditions

Check-in and Check-out Times:

The hotel establishes the check-in time from 3:00 PM and the check-out time until 11:00 AM.

Early Check In – Late Check Out:

The cost of these additional services is 50% of the daily rate for early check-ins between 9:00 AM and late check-outs between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

In the case that the check-in is before 9:00 AM and the check-out is after 6:00 PM, 100% of the nightly rate must be paid.

Horario para pileta menores

Horario para uso de la pileta por menores: de 12:00 a 17:00 horas.


No estarán disponibles durante las fechas del Torneo (20 al 22 de Septiembre).

Smoke-free hotel

Smoking is not allowed in the rooms or in public areas of the hotel. In case of non-compliance, fines may be applied to cover cleaning and sanitization costs.


The hotel does not allow pets.

Accessibility for persons with disabilities or reduced/limited mobility.

We have rooms adapted for people with reduced mobility. If you require one, please indicate it at the time of booking, or you can contact us at reservas@bodenhotel.com -Tel: [insert phone number] +54 9 3546 46-0920

Responsibility and Security

The hotel provides a complimentary safe in each room; therefore, it is not responsible for any damages or losses of valuable items within the hotel.

On the other hand, the rooms contain valuable items. The guest will be responsible for any damage, theft, or loss. All expenses incurred for repair or replacement will be paid by the guest.

The hotel is not responsible for changes or cancellations related to or arising from fires, epidemics, health risks, technical issues with transportation, flight delays due to weather or mechanical reasons, closed airports or ports, or any force majeure event beyond the control of the property.

By making a reservation, you agree to our policies and conditions.

Services and Excursions

External services and excursions are booked directly with the provider and are subject to their own terms and conditions. The hotel acts as an intermediary and is not responsible for cancellations or changes to services contracted with third parties.

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